Find out more about our prices

We keep them flexible for your convenience.

Here you can see how our prices vary

The cost of your homework depends on 3 major factors: your discipline, task size, and the deadline. Make sure you give us plenty of time to complete your assignment if you’d like to make your order cheaper.

The price is based on these factors:
  • Discipline
  • Task size
  • Deadline

All prices are presented in USD. Choose your preferred currency during checkout.

These prices do not include the Value Added Tax. The cost for EU clients is calculated according to the tariffs of the country of the customer.

asked questions

  • Sorry, but you can’t. What you can do for sure to get a better price is order your paper in advance. Longer deadlines result in lower prices, while urgent tasks are always more expensive.
  • You can find out the size of your assignment by taking a look at the deliverables on our order page. Just pick any task size and see what results we can deliver if you choose it. Whenever you have any concerns about the size of your task, feel free to consult with our 24/7 customer service.
  • Yes, we do. We give refunds in situations when something goes wrong with your order. If we cannot fix the problem, we will pay you back according to our money-back policy.
  • We provide you with free edits if we miss anything from the primary instructions of your task. As we want you to be satisfied with our experts’ work, you can request a free revision if something is missing in your homework.

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